Wednesday, May 14, 2014

#Scorpio ♏

A #Scorpio is that friend who is always ranting about a philosophical topic or investigating conspiracy theories.

A #Scorpio men always leave you wondering what's on their mind.

A #Scorpio seems like a loner but really just wants someone to connect with in a pure, profound and transformative way.

A #Scorpio men and women can be sarcastic, secretive and sassy.

A #Scorpio is often caught between what they want and what they need.

A #Scorpio will shut you out at the slightest sign of disrespect -- beware.

A #Scorpio work very hard to keep their more destructive emotions under control.

A #Scorpio senses if you are a positive or negative force in their life based on the way you make them feel.

A #Scorpio only holds on to relationships that are worth fighting for.

A #Scorpio are extremely soulful, intuitive, sensitive, and spiritual people.

A #Scorpio don't always say what they're actually feeling, because their emotions can't always be put into words.

A #Scorpio are extremely cautious of who they allow into their inner circle.

A #Scorpio mission are to banish negativity from your mind and embrace all of your magnificence.

A #Scorpio wants a partner who will be there for them no matter what. Words aren't enough, we need action.

A #Scorpio has a built-in lie detector so you're better off always being honest... they'll respect you more that way.

A #Scorpio often cares too much for those they love.

A #Scorpio can take a lot of pain without showing any signs of weakness.

A #Scorpio have incredible self-discipline & intensity that they invest into whatever they enjoy going after the most.

A #Scorpio knows when you are lying to them.

A #Scorpio can be very free and flirtatious when single, but they take committed relationships extremely seriously.

A #Scorpio loves proving people wrong.

A #Scorpio will says "You'll either love me or hate me... either way, you won't forget me."

A #Scorpio will just give you one look and you'll know if you've crossed them.

A #Scorpio want a partner who will keep it real with them and not sugarcoat everything.

A #Scorpio knows when it's time for a change. They always end up doing what's necessary for their spiritual well-being.

A #Scorpio is brave enough to face their darkest emotions. They grow from being honest about what they truly feel.

Merah maksudnya gue selalu lakuin itu tapi gue gak pernah ceritain di blog.
Orange maksudnya gue selalu lakuin itu dan gue pernah ngasih tau di blog
Hijau maksudnya gue omongin di blog tapi gak gue jalanin.-.
Biru maksudnya gue gangerti maksudnya apa-_-

btw, gue bikin post ini spesial for today, karena hari ini adalah Hari Full Moon Of Scorpio! yang tepatnya jatih pada hari ini yaitu Rabu, 14 Mei 2014. katanya sih hari ini adalah hari berubahnya scorpio nih ktnya @ScorpioMystique

eh gataunya katy perry juga bilang gitu...

yaudah kan gue quote aja tweetnya @.scorpiomysitique itu

eh gataunya malah di retweet dannn.....

jadi sekarang total RT nya 3, Retweet nya 66, sama favnya 62 dan gue yakin masih nambah lagi. sekarang masih nambah.bukan tweet itu doang, yang ini juga...

jumlah Retweet 11 sama fav 15. trus dapet 3 followers dehh B) tapi bener loh ini gue bener2 liat full moonnya. rasanya gue jadi, meledak gitu subhanallah deh (y)  oh ya btw ini sebenernya post Gue pt.2. gue tidur ya guyss! byeee
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